In Economic Action Plan 2015, the Government signalled its intention to amend the Copyright Act in order to implement and accede to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (the Marrakesh Treaty).
The Marrakesh Treaty establishes international norms to help facilitate access for persons who are blind, visually impaired, and print disabled to published works in accessible formats. Once in force, the Treaty will give Canadians with print disabilities improved access to material from around the world in a variety of languages. It will also increase opportunities to import and export accessible versions of print materials, while ensuring the continued protection of authors’ rights. These changes will help schools, libraries and charitable organizations that work with the visually impaired to reduce their costs and improve the services they provide to persons with print disabilities.
We wish to inform you that the proposed amendments to the Copyright Act have been tabled in the House of Commons today under Bill C-65, the Support for Canadians with Print Disabilities Act. This bill can be found here:
Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage officials are available to answer questions that you may have in relation to these amendments. Please direct your questions to Robert DuPelle at 343-291-2685 or
Michel Sabbagh
A/Director, Copyright and Trade-mark Policy Directorate
Industry Canada
(343-291-2704) or