Category: Conferences

VIP Summit – Values, Influence and Position

CULC/CBUC participating with many other provinicial and national organizations. How can we reinforce the Value, Influence, and Position (VIP) of libraries in Ontario collaboratively and strategically, especially in preparation for municipal and provincial elections? The OLA Board of Directors, and the OLA Advocacy Committee invites representatives from the organizations/associations listed below to participate in a […]

Report from a Representative at the IFLA Access to Digital Content Meeting

Please find attached a short report prepared by Christina deCastell. Christina is on the CULC/CBUC eBook Task Force and maintains the blog linked to CULC on the same topic. Paul Whitney was also there as a Representative of IFLA, as was Victoria Owen from Canada. Summary of IFLA Access to Digital Content Expert Meeting November […]

Summary Documents from Pan Canadian Documentary Heritage

The meetings were held in early November. CULC/CBUC had Vice-Chair Maureen Sawa and ED Jefferson Gilbert as official delegates. Jane Pyper was also in attendance as was Moe Hosseini-Ara from Markham Public Library. Both Maureen and Moe contributed as presenters. ––––––––––––– MESSAGE FROM DANIEL J. CARON ––––––––––– 
Au nom de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada […]

WebEx Meeting for ReadersFirst Initiative – CULC/CBUC RFI and RFP to be profiled

Good Afternoon Everyone >I am writing to present the agenda for the ReadersFirst WebEx taking place at 2pm, September 4th, 2012 Each of you will receive a WebEx invitation in the following week with information about how to login or call-in, either to participate or listen. The following is a list of presenters and topics […]

Annual Institute on the Library as Place

The OLA Annual Institute on the Library as Place is a Libraries 2020 initiative. Our second Institute is coming this July; early bird registration runs to June 1. There is lots of interest for public library staff, trustees and partners, with discussions about collaborative and interactive spaces, new technologies, joint use and heritage buildings, planning […]

Shared Spaces: Funding and Managing Libraries and Parks in Tough Times Session 2

IMFG News, Urban and Regional Planning March 01, 2012 Venue: Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility at the Munk School of Global Affairs This series of three lectures explores the importance of shared public spaces such as libraries and parks to the health of our city. In an era of fiscal restraint, shared spaces are […]

2011 Library Journal Director’s Summit

Library Journal is hosting their third annual Directors’ Summit, Moving from Outputs to Outcomes, this time at Columbus Metropolitan Library, headed by executive director Patrick Losinski. Following up on previous summits on fundraising and marketing, this event will address how libraries can garner support by moving from traditional library statistics like circulation and visits to […]