

Learning Objectives

By the end of the program the participant will be able to:
  • Reflect constructively on the nature of leadership and the role of leaders in the building of organizational capacity and resilience;
  • Understand the role of leaders in shaping and engaging teams that advance institutional vision and mission and the knowledge to use that understanding effectively;
  • Identify key concepts, directions, and expert resources in finance, human resources, facilities, collections, partnerships, community development, and technology;
  • Develop and manage effective relationships and collaborations with boards and governments;
  • Develop and manage relationships and partnerships with staff, community, partners, and members, and foster appreciation of value, benefits and risks of strategic initiatives;
  • Identify and understand their personal leadership strengths, their growth and mentoring needs, and their potential and responsibility to mentor others;
  • Knowledgeably engage in communities of practice with other professionals and research leaders.