
CULC/CBUC Toolkit on Recovery & Reimagined Public Library Services Post COVID-19



Occupational Health & Safety

Sample Policies & Guides

Working From Home

Sample Policies & Guides: Public Libraries

Sample Policies & Guides: Other Sectors

Risk Management


Vulnerable Communities

Stable Governance & Rapid Decision-Making

Delegated Authority

Sample Policies for Emergency Meetings

  • Hamilton – The Chair may, or upon the written request of any two members of the Board, call a Special Meeting by giving, through the Secretary or designate, at least three days written notice to each member, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is called. The purpose of a Special Meeting shall be specific. No business shall be transacted or considered at such a meeting other than that specified in the notice.
  • Toronto – Special meetings of the Board may be held at any time at the call of the Chair or at the call of the City Librarian subsequent to receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the Members requesting a special meeting. There must be at least 24 hours’ notice from issuance of the notice of special meeting and the time of the meeting. Notice to Members will be given by the Secretary in writing. The purpose of the special meeting must be stated in the notice and no other business will be transacted at that special meeting except in accordance with rules associated with urgent matters. Notice of special meetings will be posted on the Library’s website. All meetings are open to the public, except for meetings or portions of meetings that satisfy the requirements of the Act for closed meetings.

Virtual Meetings

Sample Policies & Guides

Crisis Management


French Resources