- Governance advice during COVID-19 – BLG
- Planning for the Future During Uncertainty – Tamarack Institute – great generative discussion resource for Boards
- On Not Letting (Another) Crisis Go to Waste – Tamarack Institute
- What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address the COVID-19 Situation – BoardSource
- Hamilton City Template to document restrictions and plans for re-opening
Occupational Health & Safety
- Canada.ca: Preventing COVID-19 in the workplace (in french)
- WorkSafe BC: COVID-19 and returning to safe work operation
Sample Policies & Guides
Working From Home
- BC government: Safety Inspection for Working at Home
- COVID-19 Update: The “New Normal” – Facilitating Work-from-Home Arrangements – McCarthy Tetrault Employer Advisor law firm (good guidance & includes some information by specific provinces)
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Telework/TeleCommuting
- A Crash Course in Protecting Library Data While Working From Home – ALA/LITA
Sample Policies & Guides: Public Libraries
Sample Policies & Guides: Other Sectors
Risk Management
Vulnerable Communities
- Bank of Canada asks retailers to continue accepting cash
- Working Together: Community Led Libraries Toolkit on designing policy, p.124
- Collective Impact Postpandemic | A Framework for Response, Recovery and Resilience – Tamarack Institute
- Responding to COVID19: Cities Responding to Poverty – Tamarack Institute
- Startling disparities in digital learning emerge as COVID-19 spreads: UN education agency – UN
Stable Governance & Rapid Decision-Making
Delegated Authority
Sample Policies for Emergency Meetings
- Hamilton – The Chair may, or upon the written request of any two members of the Board, call a Special Meeting by giving, through the Secretary or designate, at least three days written notice to each member, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is called. The purpose of a Special Meeting shall be specific. No business shall be transacted or considered at such a meeting other than that specified in the notice.
- Toronto – Special meetings of the Board may be held at any time at the call of the Chair or at the call of the City Librarian subsequent to receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the Members requesting a special meeting. There must be at least 24 hours’ notice from issuance of the notice of special meeting and the time of the meeting. Notice to Members will be given by the Secretary in writing. The purpose of the special meeting must be stated in the notice and no other business will be transacted at that special meeting except in accordance with rules associated with urgent matters. Notice of special meetings will be posted on the Library’s website. All meetings are open to the public, except for meetings or portions of meetings that satisfy the requirements of the Act for closed meetings.
Virtual Meetings
- 9 Tips for Board Decision Making During COVID-19 – Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS)
- Board Oversight during COVID-19: A Director’s Checklist – Osler
- Partnership in a Time of Pandemic: The CEO and the Board – BoardSource
Sample Policies & Guides
- Toronto PL: Delegation of authority for COVID-19
- Vancouver PL: Succession Plan
- Toronto PL: Procedural By-law amendment for virtual meetings
- Edmonton PL’s Policy and Board Handbook sections on Virtual Meetings
- Mississauga PL: Board Meetings s.A.10
- Ontario Information Sheet on Electronic Board meetings
Crisis Management
- Crisis Communication Planning – ALA
- Outbreak Management – Alberta Health Services
- The Board’s Role in Crisis Management – PDF, Osler
- Crisis Communications: Four Things Your Board Needs to Know – PDF, Boardsource
- Thoughtfully responding to the coronavirus (COVID19) crisis – PDF, Osler
- Hamilton PL Crisis Communication Presentation during COVID-19
French Resources
- Aide pour la reprise d’activité et la réouverture au public des bibliothèques territoriales + Recommandations – Gouv. France
- Aide-mémoire pour tous les secteurs : Réouverture du milieu de travail – Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).
- Aide-mémoire pour tous les secteurs : Distanciation physique en milieu de travail – Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)
- Aide-mémoire pour tous les secteurs : Liste de vérifications quotidiennes – Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)
- COVID-19 : Reprise des activités : Exemples pour le secteur municipal – Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, secteur « affaires municipales »
- Informations générales sur la maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) – Gouvernement du Québec
- Mesures de prévention pour la santé des travailleurs et des travailleuses – Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)
- Pistes de réflexions pour planifier la réouverture de votre bibliothèque : Balises, services au public, Webinaire (in French) – Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)
- Prévention de la COVID-19 sur les lieux de travail : Conseils aux employeurs, aux employés et aux travailleurs des services essentiels – Gouvernement du Canada
- Site ressource pour accompagner le déconfinement en bibliothèque / Fiche n°1 : Reprise du travail et organisation interne – Biblio.covid.fr (5 library associations in France)