Recommendation 1: The Government of Canada ensures access to e-content for Canada’s public libraries from multinational publishers.
Recommendation 2: That the Government of Canada consider longer term funding arrangements to ensure municipalities can continue to provide essential services, including those offered by public libraries, while municipal revenues continue to be impacted by the pandemic.
Recommendation 3: That the Government of Canada maintain its commitment to increase broadband access across Canada and seek exemptions for public libraries from broadband providers to ensure digital access to public library services is available for all Canadians.
Recommendation 4: That the Government of Canada consider funding the critical role libraries play in supporting vulnerable populations across Canada.
Recommendation 5: That the Government of Canada ensure adequate funding is provided on an urgent basis to CELA to ensure accessible reading material can be provided to vulnerable populations.
Recommendation 6: That the Government of Canada provide immediate support to Canadian publishers and booksellers so that they can continue to publish, promote, and sell Canadian content in the Canadian market.