

Strategic Plan

CULC/CBUC has undergone a couple of strategic planning exercises since establishment to help define what they wanted to channel resources towards that would be relevant and contribute to improved library management and service in Canada’s large urban libraries. 

The CULC/CBUC Strategic Goals are designed to advance the CULC/CBUC agenda within the CANADIAN urban context. The purpose of CULC/CBUC is to collaborate, share, and to emulate best practice in the delivery of urban library service in Canada.

The Plan is broken into five areas of concentration. The first two are enablers and contributors to how CULC/CBUC libraries can better serve their communities and the public in general. CULC/CBUC libraries serve more than 60%+ of Canada’s population and represent almost 80% of all public library transactions in this country. Being leaders is imperative.

Research | Recherche

Canada lacks applied public library research that is based on Canadian examples and experiences. CULC/CBUC intends to contribute in this area in partnership with other groups, internal and external to the library community. CULC/CBUC values Key Performance Indicators both as management tools for local decision-making as well as metrics for comparison at the regional, national and international level.

On compte au Canada trop peu d’initiatives de recherche appliquée sur les bibliothèques publiques, fondées sur des expériences et des exemples canadiens. Le CULC/CBUC cherche à contribuer dans ce domaine en s’associant à d’autres groupes, internes et externes à la communauté des bibliothèques. Le CULC/CBUC tient aux indicateurs de rendement clés en tant qu’outils de gestion pour les prises de décisions locales et que facteurs de comparaison aux niveaux régional, national et international.

Capacity Building | Renforcement des capacités

CULC/CBUC will be recognized as a leader through innovative partnerships on program, service, and leadership in the promotion of urban public library service. CULC/CBUC is prepared to work with traditional and non-traditional partners to advance the provision of library service within their communities.

Le CBUC/CULC sera reconnu comme chef de file grâce à des partenariats novateurs dans les programmes et services ainsi qu’en matière de leadership.

Knowledge Transfer | Transfert des connaissances

CULC/CBUC will work to be a central clearinghouse to allow members easy and productive sharing of resources that are not available anywhere else. This is designed to ensure that best practices is being modeled and not duplicated.

Le CBUC/CULC s’efforcera d’être un carrefour d’information permettant à ses membres de partager facilement et de manière productive des ressources indisponibles ailleurs. Ainsi, les pratiques exemplaires peuvent être modelées et non pas reproduites.

Organizational Resiliency | Résilience organisationnelle

CULC/CBUC is currently adequately funded, and has reserves that allow modest investment in strategic objectives outlined. However, in the longer term the reserves need to be set aside for the future and projects need to find other sources of funding.

Le CULC/CBUC dispose actuellement d’un financement adéquat, et ses réserves lui permettent de modestes investissements dans les objectifs stratégiques décrits. À plus long terme toutefois, des réserves devront être prévues pour l’avenir et les projets devront reposer sur d’autres sources de financement.

Other | Autre

CULC/CBUC will be opportunity driven in order to achieve the stated objectives/goals. CULC/CBUC will seek Big Ideas and remain receptive to partnership opportunities that will advance the Canadian urban library experience and knowledge base.

La ligne de conduite du CBUC/CULC sera axée sur les possibilités afin qu’il puisse atteindre les buts et objectifs décrits. Le CBUC/CULC recherchera les idées maîtresses qui permettront de faire progresser l’expérience et la base de connaissance des bibliothèques urbaines canadiennes.