Category: CELA

CULC/CBUC 2025 Federal Pre-Budget Submission

Pre-Budget Submission in Advance of the 2025 Federal Budget List of Recommendations Recommendation 1: The Government of Canada work with Canada’s libraries to create a funding program to increase access to technology and learning tools that support innovation in communities across Canada. Recommendation 2: The Government of Canada recognize the significant impact of mental health […]

CELA Celebrates 10th Anniversary

This year CELA turns 10 and it’s time to celebrate! The Centre for Equitable Library Access, CELA, is a national not-for-profit organization that provides accessible reading services to the approximately 3 million people across Canada with print disabilities. CELA provides access to a collection of over 1 million titles in multiple accessible formats, including audio, […]

CULC/CBUC 2024 Federal Funding Submission

CULC/CBUC has submitted five recommendations for the pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2024 budget. List of Recommendations Recommendation 1: That the Government of Canada: Recommendation 2: That the Government of Canada recognizes the role public libraries are playing in delivering on federal priorities in communities across Canada and provides funding to further support libraries […]

CULC/CBUC 2022 Federal Pre-Budget Submission

Written Submission for Finance Canada’s Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Federal Budget List of Recommendations Recommendation 1: That the Government of Canada introduce legislation to ensure that Canada’s public libraries and users have access on reasonable terms to e-content from multinational publishers. Recommendation 2: That the Government of Canada recognize the role public […]

CULC/CBUC’s 2022 Pre-Budget Consultation Recommendations

Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Federal Budget List of Recommendations Recommendation 1: That the Government of Canada introduce legislation to ensure that Canada’s public libraries and users have access on reasonable terms to e-content from multinational publishers. Recommendation 2: That the Government of Canada recognize the role public libraries […]

CELA Funding for 2021–2022 Restored

Government of Canada increases funding for alternate format materials for persons with print disabilities From: Employment and Social Development Canada News release: March 16, 2021 – Gatineau, Quebec – Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada continues to take important and decisive action to ensure that all Canadians are supported during the COVID-19 […]

Cuts to CELA & NNELS Funding

As you may have heard CELA and NNELS have launched a public advocacy campaign. This year the federal government plans to cut $1 million from accessible book funding which is shared by CELA and NNELS and continue to cut an additional $1 million each year until all federal funding is eliminated in 2025. As a […]

Laurie Davidson, new Executive Director, CELA

From CELA: We are pleased to announce that Laurie Davidson will be joining the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) as our new Executive Director, effective September 21, 2020. Laurie brings more than 20 years of experience working as a librarian and technologist to the Executive Director position. In addition to working as a librarian […]

CULC/CBUC’s 2021 Pre-Budget Consultation Recommendations

Recommendation 1: The Government of Canada ensures access to e-content for Canada’s public libraries from multinational publishers. Recommendation 2: That the Government of Canada consider longer term funding arrangements to ensure municipalities can continue to provide essential services, including those offered by public libraries, while municipal revenues continue to be impacted by the pandemic. Recommendation […]

CELA Executive Director – Expression of Interest

Call for Expression of Interest – CELA – Executive Director Since October 2019, under the direction of our Executive Director Rina Hadziev, CELA has made significant strides to improve the user experience of the CELA website, develop new partnerships and continue expanding the collection of accessible materials and services CELA offers. As a board we […]