
CULC/CBUC Toolkit on Recovery & Reimagined Public Library Services Post COVID-19


Best & Leading Practices

Programming Inside the Library


  • Consult with local government, community partners and local agencies to identify how/if your community has changed. Base your learning on trends and follow privacy regulations.
  • Determine which audiences and programs to prioritize. Priorities could include:
    • socio-economic well-being
    • community connectedness and reducing social isolation
    • school support
    • fostering literacy and creativity
    • strengthening partnerships
  • Identify the objectives of your library’s programming during and after a pandemic and how you will achieve your objectives
  • Be ready to measure the success of your programming i.e. attendance, satisfaction, and impact: immediate/live – long term streaming archive
  • Consult or create an inventory of your library’s existing programming and identify programs that can be reformatted either as a virtual program, or an in library program that meets health directives, and evolving wants and needs of the community
  • Identify new programs, including virtual programs by internal and external teams
  • Identify programs that are no longer relevant or are no longer a priority and make a plan for phasing out these programs or putting them on hiatus
  • Be flexible and ensure you are able to respond to unexpected changes or challenges.
  • Before reinstating in person programming, undertake a risk assessment. Create a realistic timeline for phasing in programming and update related policies as needed e.g.
  • Determine your library’s capacity to deliver on priorities; make a case for resources as necessary
  • Plan for new technology and supplies. Ensure funding is in place
  • Review and update code of conduct to include virtual spaces
  • Support staff as they learn new skills and health procedures
  • Celebrate successes along the way


  • Provide current safety guidelines and physical distancing customer service training for staff, drawing on current provincial health guidelines (Public Health Agency of Canada)
  • Prepare a media alert notifying your community of available services (i.e. your library’s website, virtual programming, social media, etc.)
  • Use the opportunity to communicate the value of the library and reassure your community
  • Be prepared for increased phone, email, web and social media enquiries during the re-opening phases

Physical Distancing Measures

  • Consider open hours that best address the needs of your community and staff availability
  • If proceeding with programs in open areas, look at location layout changes to programming that will support physical distancing (separating program areas with signage, floor graphics, etc.)
  • Consider timed library entry for patrons, based on the capacity of your location
  • Consider what security needs, if any, are required to keep staff and patrons safe
  • Expand physical distancing for seating and computers as required
  • Share physical distancing best practices with staff before they return to work, using provincial health directives
  • Provide staff customer experience training in a physical distancing world
  • Schedule staff to allow for appropriate physical distancing practices

Safety Precautions

  • Provide additional sanitizing supplies and PPE for staff and appropriate sanitizing supplies for customer personal use and to disinfect surfaces (gloves, wipes, masks, hand sanitizer)
  • Update instructions / communications to patrons (on-site and online) as needed
  • Be aware of possible direction on quarantining collections
  • Implement enhanced branch cleaning procedures

Staff Support

  • Provide appropriate sanitizing supplies and PPE (gloves, masks, wipes, etc.) according to provincial health directives
  • Share physical distancing best practices with staff before they return to work
  • Provide staff customer experience training in a physical distancing world
  • Determine cleaning protocols for work spaces and program spaces
  • Provide connectivity tools (laptops, phones, etc.) for staff working from home

Program Delivery

  • Phase reintroduction of in library programming by limiting group sizes, numbers of programs and limiting interactive activities
  • Young children are not able to physically distance themselves safely from others. Adapt in-person children’s programs for online delivery (i.e., virtual storytimes using Zoom)
  • Some adult programs (i.e., technology help) require patrons and staff to be at close quarters. Limits on how help can be provided until social distancing recommendations are lifted should be considered
  • Consider registration and promotion strategies for virtual programming
  • Consider processes for identifying / booking community partner programs and recommendations for third party events
  • Consider programming levels (events, presentations, small groups, one-on-one etc.) and if/how these programs can be safely delivered
  • Consider including an engagement component as part of your virtual programming. There is a strong need for connection not just content. Extend or expand a virtual program with an activity or component that is not virtual e.g. take home or consumable program kits; weekly or monthly challenges
  • Consider developing kits for safe pick-up/drop-off with collections, supplies and activity ideas for community members who are not online. Could be supported with DVD of staff doing program activity (e.g. copy of virtual program)
  • Add or expand virtual library cards on library website for immediate patron access

Community Support

  • Gain an understanding of how/if the community has changed during the pandemic. Identify who is in need of support from your library and the best way to provide that support
  • Build/maintain relationships with local partner agencies
  • Identify how your library can best support vulnerable people in your community
  • Create a plan for programs based on the current and evolving situation
  • Identify staffing and resources for program development and delivery


  • Program times may need to be reconsidered to accommodate physical distancing guidelines
  • Adapt in-person programs for online delivery (i.e., virtual storytimes)
  • Consider programming levels (events, presentations, small groups, one-on-one etc.) and if/how these programs can be safely delivered
  • Phase reintroduction of programming inside the library by limiting group sizes, numbers of programs and interactive activities
  • Extend online renewal policies and material due dates
  • Consider expanding online services (ebooks, streaming media, etc.)

Programming Outside the Library


  • Align plans with your library’s Mission, Vision, and Values
  • Consult with local government, community partners and local agencies to identify how/if your community has changed. Base your learning on trends and follow privacy regulations
  • Programming that occurs outside the library could occur in a park, at a community event or in a partner agency’s location
  • Engage partners in open conversation about how MOUs may change and about health and safety practices. The partners should be willing and able to abide by your library’s social distancing and safety practices
  • Determine which audiences and offsite opportunities to prioritize. Priorities could include:
    • socio-economic well-being
    • community connectedness and reducing social isolation
    • school support
    • fostering literacy and creativity
    • strengthening partnerships
  • Identify the objectives of your library’s programming during and after a pandemic and how you will achieve your objectives
  • Be ready to measure the success of your programming i.e. attendance, satisfaction, and impact
  • Consult or create an inventory of your library’s existing programming. When it is safe to do so, resume offsite programming that continues to meet the evolving wants and needs of the community
  • Identify new programming that meets the evolving wants and needs of the community
  • Identify programs that are no longer relevant or are no longer a priority and make a plan for phasing out these programs or putting them on hiatus
  • Be flexible and ensure you are able to respond to unexpected changes or challenges
  • Before reinstating programming outside the library, undertake a risk assessment. Create a realistic timeline for phasing in offsite programming and update related policies as needed e.g.
  • Determine your library’s capacity to deliver on priorities; make a case for resources as necessary
  • Plan for new technology and supplies. Ensure funding is in place
  • Review and update relevant procedures
  • Support staff as they learn new skills and health procedures
  • Celebrate successes along the way


  • Provide safety guidelines and physical distancing customer service training for staff, drawing on current provincial health guidelines (Public Health Agency of Canada)
  • Prepare a media alert notifying your community of available services (i.e. your library’s website, virtual programming, social media, etc.)
  • Use the opportunity to communicate the value of the library and reassure your community

Physical Distancing Measures

  • Share physical distancing best practices with staff before they return to work
  • Provide staff customer experience training in a physical distancing world
  • Schedule staff in a way to allow for appropriate physical distancing practices
  • Programming should not occur if physical distancing and gathering restrictions cannot be maintained

Safety Precautions

  • Provide sanitizing supplies and PPE for staff and appropriate sanitizing supplies for patrons for personal use and to disinfect surfaces
  • Expand physical distancing for seating as required

Staff Support

  • Provide appropriate sanitizing supplies and PPE according to provincial health directives
  • Share physical distancing best practices with staff before they return to work
  • Provide staff customer experience training in a physical distancing world
  • Determine cleaning protocols for program spaces

Program Delivery

  • Phase reintroduction of in library programming by limiting group sizes, numbers of programs and limiting interactive activities with partners
  • Young children are not able to physically distance themselves safely from others. Adapt in-person children’s programs for online delivery (i.e., virtual storytimes using Zoom)
  • Some adult programs (i.e., technology help) requires patrons and staff to be at close quarters. Limits on how help can be provided until social distancing recommendations are lifted should be considered with partners
  • Consider registration and promotion strategies for virtual programming with partners.
  • Consider processes for identifying / booking community partner program space and recommendations for third party events with partners
  • Consider programming levels (events, presentations, small groups, one-on-one etc.) and if/how these programs can be safely delivered
  • Consider including an engagement component as part of your virtual programming. There is a strong need for connection not just content. Extend or expand a virtual program with an activity or component that is not virtual e.g. take home or consumable program kits; weekly or monthly challenges
  • Consider developing kits for safe pick-up/drop-off with collections, supplies and activity ideas for community members who are not online. Could be supported with DVD of staff doing program activity (e.g. copy of virtual program)

Community Support

  • Gain an understanding of how/if the community has changed during the pandemic. Identify who is in need of support from your library and the best way to provide that support
  • Build/maintain relationships with local partner agencies
  • Identify how your library can best support vulnerable people in your community
  • Create a plan for programs based on the current and evolving situation
  • Identify staffing and resources for program development and delivery


  • Program times may need to be reconsidered to accommodate physical distancing guidelines
  • Adapt in-person programs for online delivery (i.e., virtual storytimes)
  • Consider programming levels (events, presentations, small groups, one-on-one etc.) and if/how these programs can be safely delivered
  • Phase reintroduction of programming outside the library by limiting group sizes, numbers of programs and interactive activities